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mvcombine removes timestamp



I am doing a query, where I get a multi valued field and I need to append something to each value depending what the value is. I can't find a way to apply a statement to the multiple values, the only thing I can think to do is to expand the field make my change and recombine it. However, when I recombine it, the timestamp _time loses its content and this is a field we need.

The command is:

host=glon19u10329 index="DTS" sourcetype="config" | xpath "//value/with/cfg/serverUrl" outfield=emsName | mvexpand emsName | eval status = if(match(emsName,"tcp://ems-dit*"),"Tier 2", if(match(emsName,"tcp://vsol43a-7801*"), "Tier 2", if(match(emsName, "tcp://vsgl43a-2016*"), "Tier 2", if(match(emsName,"tcp://vhbl31a04103*"), "Tier 2", "Tier 3")))) | strcat emsName ":" status emsName | mvcombine emsName

Before applying the mvcombine, the time stamp shows correctly.


_time     emsName
19/08/2010 09:00     tcp://ems-dit-eu-uat-1: Tier 2
19/08/2010 09:00     tcp://emsuatdata: Tier 3

AFTER (as one event)
_time     emsName
          tcp://ems-dit-eu-uat-1: Tier 2
          tcp://emsuatdata: Tier 3

Any idea why the _time field doesn't make it through the mvcombine?

Thanks Hazel

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Super Champion

That's weird. Have you tried renaming _time before your mvepand and then rename it back after mvcombine?

For example:

host=glon19u10329 index="DTS" sourcetype="config" | xpath "//value/with/cfg/serverUrl" outfield=emsName | rename _time as keep_time | mvexpand emsName | eval status = if(match(emsName,"tcp://ems-dit*"),"Tier 2", if(match(emsName,"tcp://vsol43a-7801*"), "Tier 2", if(match(emsName, "tcp://vsgl43a-2016*"), "Tier 2", if(match(emsName,"tcp://vhbl31a04103*"), "Tier 2", "Tier 3")))) | strcat emsName ":" status emsName | mvcombine emsName | rename keep_time as _time

Not sure if this will work or not. I know that sometimes _* fields get handled differently so perhaps this trick will get past that.

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Yes, it is intended behavior. As a rule, we don't use any _* fields in mvcombine. This is because you may often see events that differ only in internal fields that are not shown (i.e. _cd), and then wonder why they weren't combined.


thanks this works as a workaround. Would be interested to know if this is the intended behaviour for the _time field though!

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