I have created a scripted source which genereates the following output:
idx_size_kB idx
24 aaa
24 aaa_sum
2364 appserver
8260716 audit
4 authDb
24 blockSignature
4 bonnie
59894276 defaultdb
324 fishbucket
8 hashDb
356468 hdm
24 hdm_sum
24 historydb
177152 _internaldb
As you see it's a simple du -sk on the indexing DB directory of splunk. When I try to do a timechart over one of the values the multikv doesn't generate any field. Also playing with the field picker does not work. Any ideas how can I pick two fields here: "idx_size_kB" and "idx"??
index= source=du_idx | multikv - and there are no fields generated. Is it because the values are shifted in eac line??
It's always best to answer oneself...
The solution is to use the "forceheader=1" flag for multikv.
It's always best to answer oneself...
The solution is to use the "forceheader=1" flag for multikv.