Splunk Search

metadata used in subsearch

Path Finder

I'm trying to join hosts from a .csv file to the results of this metadata search:
|metadata type=hosts | eval time_diff = now() - lastTime

The .csv file will have some hosts that don't exist in the metadata results but I need to have them show in the final results.
I was thinking a subsearch would work but it fails to match up all the records. I only get about 20 matching records but it does show all records from the .csv.

|inputlookup myfile.csv | fields host | join type=outer host [|metadata type=hosts | eval time_diff = now() - lastTime| table *]

Any suggestions???

0 Karma
1 Solution


Try this

| inputlookup myfile.csv | fields host | append  [|metadata type=hosts | eval time_diff = now() - lastTime| table *] | stats first(time_diff) as time_diff by host

View solution in original post

0 Karma


Try this,

|inputlookup myfile.csv | fields host | append [|metadata type=hosts |search host=CCFS* | eval time_diff = now() - lastTime| table *] | stats values(*) as * by host
0 Karma


Try this

| inputlookup myfile.csv | fields host | append  [|metadata type=hosts | eval time_diff = now() - lastTime| table *] | stats first(time_diff) as time_diff by host
0 Karma

Path Finder

Thanks so much!! That works.

0 Karma
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