i have 50 indexes and i want to find out the last most recent event for each host in each index.
i can do this for each index separately like so but there is no field "index"
| metadata type=hosts index=indexname1 | convert ctime(*Time) | table host recentTime
i want to have a host and recent time for each index, but if a host has events in multiple indexes it should appear multiple times with the last event in each index.
Something like
| metadata type=hosts by index | convert ctime(*Time) | table host recentTime index
Is there anyway to do this and avoid have 50 separate scheduled searches?
Try this
|eventcount summarize=false index=*| map maxsearches=100 search="| metadata type=hosts index=$index$| convert ctime(*Time) | table host recentTime | eval index=\"$index$\""
This should be much faster:
| tstats latest(_time) as _time where index=* by index host
doesnt work on 4.3x tstats unknown....upgrade soon... thanks
Try this
|eventcount summarize=false index=*| map maxsearches=100 search="| metadata type=hosts index=$index$| convert ctime(*Time) | table host recentTime | eval index=\"$index$\""
You can add a dedup index before the map command. The maxsearches should be >= no of rows before the map (so yes, it should be no of indexes*indexers [if no dedup])
actually this seems to be producing strage results.
this is a distributed architecture with 10+ indexers.
multiple results for a single host in the same index...
alot less results than when i run the search agaisnt indivdual indexes
should i add a dudup on the index eventcount?
how large should map maxsearches be? no. of indexes * indexers or?
perfect thanks