Splunk Search

merging two search strings

Path Finder

Can you please help me out to merge these two search strings

index=os sourcetype=vmstat 
| multikv fields memUsedPct  
| stats avg(memUsedPct) as avgMemUse max(memUsedPct) as pkMemUse by host
| join host [ search index=os sourcetype=cpu 
    | multikv fields pctIdle  
    | search all  
    | eval Percent_CPU_Load = 100 - pctIdle  
    | stats avg(Percent_CPU_Load) as avgCpuUse max(Percent_CPU_Load) as pkCpuUse by host ]


index=os sourcetype=perfmon* 
| stats avg(Value) as Average max(Value) as Max by host counter
Tags (1)
0 Karma

Path Finder

I need the result of both the search string combined in a same window.

0 Karma


Just keep following the pattern....

index=os sourcetype=vmstat 
| multikv fields memUsedPct  
| stats avg(memUsedPct) as avgMemUse max(memUsedPct) as pkMemUse by host
| join host [ search index=os sourcetype=cpu 
    | multikv fields pctIdle  
    | search all  
    | eval Percent_CPU_Load = 100 - pctIdle  
    | stats avg(Percent_CPU_Load) as avgCpuUse max(Percent_CPU_Load) as pkCpuUse by host ]
| join host [ search index=os sourcetype=perfmon* 
    | stats avg(Value) as Average max(Value) as Max by host counter ]

Although I don't think that is going to work exactly the way you want...

0 Karma


What output do you get from this search?

index=os sourcetype=perfmon*
| stats avg(Value) as Average max(Value) as Max by host counter

0 Karma

Path Finder

No it is not working...I have tried the same follow ... 😞

0 Karma


Do you really need these stats combined? Or could you put both searches on a dashboard, where you could see the results side-by-side?

0 Karma
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