If I run the below query for last 7 days, and if there is no data in logs matching condition index=abc "searchTerm" for day1, then the results are showing for day2 to day7.
But I want a row in resultset for day1 as well, if no data then with TotalResults as 0 for day1.
index=abc "searchTerm" | bucket _time span=1d | stats count as TotalResults by _time | makecontinuous _time | fillnull TotalResults
Please help
@ITWhisperer Thanks for the reply!
Can you please help with the complete query here, considering day1 and day7 and also days in between, as same problem may happen for other days as well.
Appreciate your help
makecontinuous works between the lowest value in the field and the highest value in the field - you will need to add (append) a dummy entry for day 1 with TotalResults value of 0. I would then sum the TotalResults by _time (in case there was already a result for day 1, then do the makecontinous etc.
@ITWhisperer Thanks for the reply!
Can you please help with the complete query here, considering day1 and day7 and also days in between, as same problem may happen for other days as well.
Appreciate your help
| append
[| makeresults
| addinfo
| rename info_min_time as _time
| bin _time span=1d
| fields - info_*]
| sort _time
| makecontinuous _time span=1d
| fillnull value=0 TotalResults
| stats sum(TotalResults) as TotalResults by _time