I have a coloum chart with values displaying.
I select "configure link to a search"
when I click on coloum bar it opens the results in new windows. Problem is that beside showing act=unspecified|quarantine, it get the "number/count of event"
below is my query appear in searchbar:
iindex=trend sourcetype=e** cat="*e" **act=24 | dedup fixxth | table xxcxoxt fixxaxxh act TxxrxdMxxxroxxxleSHA1
search in the drilldown editor query is below:
iindex=trend sourcetype=*e act=$click.value2$ | dedup fixxth | table xxcxoxt fixxaxxh act TxxrxdMxxxroxxxleSHA1
Please help to fix this issue.
If I understand your question, you want a click on a row to open a search which specifies the 'act' field in the new search?
If that's correct, try this:
index=trend sourcetype=**e* act=$row.act$ | dedup fixxth | table xxcxoxt fixxaxxh act TxxrxdMxxxroxxxleSHA1
I have a chart showing top 10 values.
when I click on bar it should show me the values instead of act=24.
I want to values of that fields beside the count.
instead of act=24
I am using act=$click.value2$ but instead taking the values=block|quarantine, he toold value(act=24)
hope you understand my query
Dear Nick,
I have a chart showing top 10 values.
when I click on bar it should show me the values instead of act=24.
I want to values of that fields beside the count.
instead of act=24
I am using act=$click.value2$ but instead taking the values=block|quarantine, he toold value(act=24)
hope you understand my query
hi @rashid47010
u want to remove that link to search ust add in your proprties..
<option name="drilldown">none</option>