When executing the search "index=os source=df" it is gvng me the data for /dev/ammper/system-root and /dev/sda...is there is a way that I can get the data only for /dev/mapper/system-root????
index=os source=df "/dev/mapper/system-root" | multikv | search Filesystem="/dev/mapper/system-root"
will return only that single line.
*minor edit to add "search" before Filesystem
multikv is just responsible for taking a table set of results, and splitting them into individual lines and field extracting.
Without the multikv, it will return the full df output. With it, just the single line.
I dont understand why have you given multikv where you have not given anf feilds with that? For me index=os source=df Filesystem="/dev/mapper/system-root" has given me the result set that I wanted
Just add "/dev/mapper/system-root" to your search!
index=os source=df "/dev/mapper/system-root"
(If you only want to match that path in a specific field obviously just put field=/dev/mapper/system-root)
Yes...I have used Filesystem=/dev/mapper/system-root and it is working fine now