Hi I want to write the search like this..
if(file_path=("C:" OR "D:" OR "E:" OR "c:" OR "d:" OR "e:"),"Local",file_path=("\\"),"Network",file_path=(".com" OR ".org"),"Web",USB)
Plz help me
You're looking for something like this, I believe:
eval path_type = if(match(file_path,"^(C|D|E|c|d|e)+:.+"),"Local",if(match(file_path,"^\\\\"),"Network",if(match(file_path,"\.(com|org)"),"Web",USB)))| table file_path path_type
The syntax is:
eval newfield = if(match(oldfield,"regex to match"),then,else)
and you put another if(match... in place of the "ELSE" value until you are done and finish with "USB"
It's late so my regex might be off.... but you get the idea:
Or if you want it "inline": http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.0.3/Search/Usestatswithevalexpressionsandfunctions
To avoid walls of closing parentheses you can use case()
that takes any number of pairs of condition and value and returns the first value where the condition holds:
... | eval field = case(match(oldfield, "regex"), "foo", match(oldfield, "another regex"), "bar", ...)