unique_exception= pattern1|pattern2|pattern3
all these three patterns(1,2,3) are tagged to unique number 111.
eval temp=split(unique_exception, "|")|stats values(temp) by temp
i am getting output as follows
111 - pattern1
111 - pattern2
111 - pattern3
now how to get the first event for these individual events (pattern1 and pattern2 and pattern3) separately.
See if this helps
... | makemv unique_exception delim="|" | mvexpand unique_exception | stats first(_raw) as first_occurrence by unique_exception
Please check this
eval temp=split(unique_exception, "|")|stats first(_time) as _time values(temp) by temp
There is a good reference for Functions for stats in the docs. - http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/SearchReference/Commonstatsfunctions