I have table in my dashboard
ID | Jan_Target | Jan_Actual |
1 | 50 | 60 |
2 | 0 | N/A |
In similar way for all months
now i need a filter.If i select a january it should show both Jan_Target and Jan_actual
My query
|inputlookup ABC
|table Id"
Jan - Target" "Jan - Actual"
"Feb - Target" "Feb - Actual"
"Mar - Target" "Mar - Actual"
"Apr - Target" "Apr - Actual"
"May - Target" "May - Actual"
"Jun - Target" "Jun - Actual"
"Jul - Target" "Jul - Actual"...
I tried using search Jan* but no results found
can you please help me with this?
| table id Jan*
Thank you for response
But i want it as filter
when i pass filter Jan
it should give me results jan_target and jan_actual
i tried with command |search Jan*
but it is showing no result found
| untable id month count
| search Jan
| xyseries id month count
Thank you for help I took it in static way in filters