assuming I have this log history:
[sent] task=abc, id=123
[sent] task=abc, id=456
[success] task=abc, id=123
I would like to get a list of all ids that are "sent" but did not get a "success", so in the above example it should just be "456"
my current query looks something like this
"abc" AND "sent"
| table id
| rename id as "sent_ids"
| appendcols [
search "abc" AND "success"
| table id
| rename id as "success_ids"
this gets me a table with the 2 columns, and I'm stuck on how to "left exclusive join" the two columns to get the unique ids.
or maybe I'm approaching this entirely wrong and there is a much easier solution?
Hi @mm7 ,
please try something like this:
| rex "^\[(?<status>[^\]]*)"
| stats dc(status) AS status_count values(status) AS status BY task id
| where status_count=1 AND status="sent"
| table task id status
Hi @mm7 ,
please try something like this:
| rex "^\[(?<status>[^\]]*)"
| stats dc(status) AS status_count values(status) AS status BY task id
| where status_count=1 AND status="sent"
| table task id status
Hi @mm7 ,
you could extract the status field as a permanent field so you don't need to extract in the search or use eval(searchmatch) but this is the faster way.
wow this is so much cleaner and faster! did not think to regex out the status string
thank you!
figured it out, changed "appendcols" to "append" and added this to the end
| stats count(id) AS "count" by id
| where count==1
there is probably a better way, open to take other answers, thanks!
EDIT: accepted a way better solution