How do I use regular expression search results from one index search and use it in another? The following does not work
host="*rest*" [ search index=ws host="*ws*" sourcetype="WS*" (/service/click) | rex field=_raw "^(?:(nonce)*){10}\s+\w+=(?P<my_nonce>.+)" | fields my_nonce]
I followed this example at
index=other_index [search index=ironmail some_search_string | fields email_address ]
You can use the below as well.
host="*rest*" [ search index=ws host="*ws*" sourcetype="WS*" (/service/click) | rex field=_raw "^(?:(nonce)*){10}\s+\w+=(?P<my_nonce>.+)" | rename my_nonce as query | fields query]
For example, if my_nonce has values like foo
and bar
, the query will return
host=*rest* "foo" OR "bar"
You can use the below as well.
host="*rest*" [ search index=ws host="*ws*" sourcetype="WS*" (/service/click) | rex field=_raw "^(?:(nonce)*){10}\s+\w+=(?P<my_nonce>.+)" | rename my_nonce as query | fields query]
For example, if my_nonce has values like foo
and bar
, the query will return
host=*rest* "foo" OR "bar"
Can you accept if either of the answers worked for you?
Does your main search has a field called my_nonce?? If yes then your source should work fine (provided subsearch works fine). If there is no my_nonce field and you want to do a text search try this.
host="*rest*" [ search index=ws host="*ws*" sourcetype="WS*" (/service/click) | rex field=_raw "^(?:(nonce)*){10}\s+\w+=(?P<my_nonce>.+)" | stats count by my_nonce | table my_nonce | rename my_nonce as search ]
You can try
host="*rest*" [ search index=ws host="*ws*" sourcetype="WS*" (/service/click) | rex field=_raw "^(?:(nonce)*){10}\s+\w+=(?P<my_nonce>.+)" |return my_nonce]
You can also modify this a bit to use return $my_nonece, and modify the search to be
host="*rest*" my_nonce=[ search index=ws host="*ws*" sourcetype="WS*" (/service/click) | rex field=_raw "^(?:(nonce)*){10}\s+\w+=(?P<my_nonce>.+)" |return $my_nonce]
Using $ will return the actual value, where as return itself will throw back the full field.
Be aware of the behavior of return, as it uses head to return the first result.