\\\"person\\\":{\\\"name\\\":{\\\"firstName\\\":\\\"John\\\",\\\"lastName\\\":\\\"Doe\\\"},\\\"address\\\":{\\\"street\\\":\\\"100 Main Ave\\\",\\\"city\\\":\\\"Redwood City\\\",\\\"usState\\\":\\\"CA\\\",\\\"zipCode\\\":\\\"94061\\\",\\\"country\\\":\\\"United States\\\",\\\"phones\\\":[],\\\"emails\\\":[],\\\"addressLines\\\":[]},\\\"addresses\\\":[],\\\"phones\\\":[{\\\"phoneType\\\":\\\"Home\\\",\\\"phoneNumber\\\":\\\"6500000000\\\"}],\\\"email\\\":\\\"johndoe@gmail.com\\\",\\\"dateOfBirth\\\":\\\"1900/01/01\\\",\\\"nationalId\\\":\\\"100\\\",\\\"gender\\\":\\\"Male\\\"},\\\"credential\\\":{\\\"userName\\\":\\\"johndoe@gmail.com\\\",\\\"password\\\":\\\"Password\\\",\\\"securityQuestion\\\":\\\"Name of First Car?\\\",\\\"securityAnswer\\\":\\\"Volvo\\\"}\""
I need help in getting email in splunk search query for above json which has blackslash in logs. I have grabbed the nametag from very big log json using spath and i am calling that tag as "nametagforthisjson" to simplify.
I tried this :
| rex field=nametagforthisjson max_match=0 "\"email:\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\"(?<email>.*)\"(?=,)"
| table email
I see email label printed but not value . So my regex is wrong. the email value johndoe@gmail.com is for email name tag . So the value is until semicolon (,) . I am putting 7 blackslash.(2 backslash for 1 \ and 1 for ")
regex query version https://regex101.com/r/8BevNW/1
| eval formattedjson = trim(replace(nametagforthisjson,"\\\\", ""),"\"")
| spath field=formattedjson path=person.email output=email
| table formattedjson, email
Thanks,I did this :
| eval formattedjson = replace(nametagforthisjson,"\\\\", "")| table formattedjson
that but now i have json enclosed in double quotes
[see below]
"person": {
"name": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe"
"address": {
"street": "100 Main st",
"phones": [
"emails": [
"addressLines": [
"addresses": [
"phones": [
"phoneType": "Mobile",
"phoneNumber": "65000000"
"email": "johdoe@gmail.com",
What should I do to remove this enclosing double quotes?
Once this is success, I want to do
eval email = json_extract('formattedjson',"person.email")
| eval formattedjson = trim(replace(nametagforthisjson,"\\\\", ""),"\"")
| spath field=formattedjson path=person.email output=email
| table formattedjson, email
Have you tried replacing \\ with nothing and \" with ", then use spath to extract the field you want?