i have events for player accounts, which have player-levels, and have additional events for these accounts, which dont have the field player_level, looks e.g like this
GENERAL-EVENT [ account-name=xxx account-level=1]
GENERAL-EVENT [ account-name=xxx account-level=2]
SPECIAL-EVENT [ account-name=xxx other-field=xxx]
GENERAL-EVENT [ account-name=xxx account-level=3]
SPECIAL-EVENT [ account-name=xxx other-field=xxx]
SPECIAL-EVENT [ account-name=xxx other-field=xxx]
GENERAL-EVENT [ account-name=xxx account-level=4]
and i want to give the SPECIAL-EVENTS the field account-level at which this special-thing has "happened".
so i found
| filldown account-level
which works well as long i do a search only over one account-name, but when i want to do searches over all accounts there is nothing like
| filldown account-level by account-name
is there any work-around?????
i'm using 4.3.3
edit: i tried variants with streamstats, but somehow when i use it for a bigger timeframe with many data, it dowsnt work the right way, cuz at some account-levels the level-sum contains 0 special-events, but where i know, that there are some, when i use the search for a specific account.
again: any of u have another hint what can be the reason?
Streamstats can do that:
... | reverse | streamstats last(account-level) as account-level by account-name | reverse | ...
This would assign 2 to the first special event and 3 to the second and third special event. Without the reversing it would assign 3 to the first special event and 4 to the second and third special event.
Maybe there's a more efficient way than my crude double-reverse, but off the top of my head that's the easiest way of making streamstats work in reverse.
yes i know this usage (im actually often using | sort 0 +_time ... wonder which one is the "faster")
but the problem is somehow that with big data something stops working, i could imagine of something like maxout or smth, but i cant find any error message in the inspection (any of u have another hint what can be the reason?).