hi, i want to extracted the first word from each variable the index has a field called search_name which has these variables:
Risk - 24 Hour Risk Threshold Exceeded - Rule
Endpoint - machine with possible malware - fffff
Network - Possible SQL injection - Rule
i want to perform a regex to extracted the first word out of each variable so the output would be:
thanks ^_^
Hi @moayadalghamdi,
please try this regex
| rex "^(?<your_field>\w+)"
that you can test at https://regex101.com/r/vKZmWL/1
thanks for the answer ^_^
Hi @moayadalghamdi,
please try this regex
| rex "^(?<your_field>\w+)"
that you can test at https://regex101.com/r/vKZmWL/1
you're really a legend, thanks mate splunker ^_^
And as you want those with lower cases then add this
| makeresults
| eval _raw ="Risk - 24 Hour Risk Threshold Exceeded - Rule
Endpoint - machine with possible malware - fffff
Network - Possible SQL injection - Rule"
| multikv noheader=t
``` Above create test data ```
| rex "^(?<result>\w+)"
| eval res = lower(result)
| table res result _raw
r. Ismo