I want to make a timechart of the different errors in my application. To do this I need a fieldextractions.
the log4j format is like this:
10-19@09:25:45 ERROR rss.AbstractPostcodeBasedFeedPanel - Failed to load feeds from: []
nl.rotterdam.ioo.mijnloket.homepage.util.rss.UnableToCreateSyndFeedListException: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
So I want the time (10-19@09:25:45) | type of message (ERROR) | the text between ERROR and - | and the text between : and : | and the text between : and :
How can I do that. The field extraction for time and type of messages is simple but can you help me with the other extractions
Kind regards
Splunk will automatically recognize the standard output for log4j. Can you use the default format? From our docs:
log4j Log4j standard output produced by any J2EE server using log4j 2005-03-07 16:44:03,110 53223013 [PoolThread-0] INFO [STDOUT] got some property...
With a non-standard format you could use the Interactive Field Extractor capabilities to easily extract fields and create the regex for you automatically
I would recommend taking a look at this as well for future use of log4j and Splunk: https://github.com/damiendallimore/SplunkJavaLogging
Is ERROR and the '-' always going to be in the log?
At this time it is not possible to change the log4j format. So I think I need to use the interactive Field Extrator. But I am not able to get the result I want.
ERROR rss.AbstractPostcodeBasedFeedPanel -
What is the regex to get the text between ERROR and -.
Kind regards,