From the log mentioned below I need to extract the field 'Response Time' and then frame a query for response time < 10sec
2017-06-19 10:29:25,556 [[weather-project-v1-dev-corp].api-httpListenerConfig.worker.01] INFO org.mule.api.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor - Transaction [4610f1e7c84641f7ac851ea04d0e4e7b] - Response Time [0.404325574999973] - HTTP Status [200] - Returned Success Response to Client
Can some one please suggest how can I add "Response time" to interesting fields and then I can use it for framing queries accordingly.
you can use the field extractor:
example in docs:
hope it helps
in your props.conf:
EXTRACT-ResponseTimeMS = (Response Time \[)(?<ResponseTimeMS>[0-9]*\.[0-9]*)(\])
in your query, maybe use a case statement:
|eval ResponseSpeedType=case(ResponseTimeMS<10, "UnderTen", ResponseTimeMS>10, "OverTen", True(), "DefaultForEverythingElse")
You can start with rex. However, Use Splunk's Interactive Field Extraction to let Splunk generate Regular Expression based on your data sample. (
| rex field=_raw "Response Time \[(?<ResponseTime>[^\]]+)\]"
| where ResponseTime <10
| table _time ResponseTime _raw
Looking at your data unless you have already done so, you should also create extractions for Transaction ID and HTTP Status code to come up with more meaningful data transformations.
If you test out above Regular Expression with your data you should consider creating Field Extraction for the same so that the Field persists as a Knowledge Object.
you can use the field extractor:
example in docs:
hope it helps
This process link helps....
Thanks Adonio