Once I have filter the data I need using search App I wish to extract the code (Java or python or other) for future use. is it possible?
When you run a search, you can download your output. There is an icon beneath the search box that has a down-arrow; this is the Export button. Click it, choose "Raw Events" and name the file. It will be created on your client machine (PC, laptop, whatever).
It will be a simple text file and you can then do whatever you want to it.
thanks 🙂 .
Yes, but what do you mean by "extract"? This word has a particular meaning in Splunk.
Do you want to output the code to a file? Do you want to create a report, etc?
Yes I wish to output the code to a file.
I wish to output the code and to be able to run it by itself on a laptop that has no splunk installed