I'm trying to exclude events from the time range.
index = _internal
| eval Hour=strftime(_time,"%H")
| eval Minute=strftime(_time,"%M")
| eval DayofWeek=strftime(_time,"%w")
| eval Month=strftime(_time,"%m")
| eval WeekOfYear=strftime(_time,"%U")
| search NOT DayofWeek=3 AND Hour>10 Hour<13
from the above query trying to exclude Wednesday and in between 10 to 13, but it excludes all the day.
Can anyone have suggestions?
Have one more scenario,
need to exclude Monday and Wednesday particular hours.
Hi @kirrusk,
what do you mean with "results with two days events (timestamps)." date_wday it's the same extraction than "| eval DayofWeek=strftime(_time,"%w")".
Anyway, yu can use your field evals and use my filter:
index = _internal
| eval Hour=strftime(_time,"%H")
| eval Minute=strftime(_time,"%M")
| eval DayofWeek=strftime(_time,"%A")
| eval Month=strftime(_time,"%m")
| eval WeekOfYear=strftime(_time,"%U")
| search NOT DayofWeek="Wednsday" AND (Hour>=10 Hour<=13)
is this the real condition you want?
Hi @kirrusk,
at first, probably, you don't need to use eval to have hour, minute, etc..., you should have date_hour, date_minute, etc...
Anyway, to exclude Wednesday and days of the mont between 10 and 13 (comprehensive of 10 and 13), you could use something like this:
index = _internal date_wday|="Wednesday " (date_mday<10 AND date_mday>13)
| ...
@gcusello date_wday not working properly, it's giving results with two days events (timestamps). So I'm using eval to take from _time
Hi @kirrusk,
what do you mean with "results with two days events (timestamps)." date_wday it's the same extraction than "| eval DayofWeek=strftime(_time,"%w")".
Anyway, yu can use your field evals and use my filter:
index = _internal
| eval Hour=strftime(_time,"%H")
| eval Minute=strftime(_time,"%M")
| eval DayofWeek=strftime(_time,"%A")
| eval Month=strftime(_time,"%m")
| eval WeekOfYear=strftime(_time,"%U")
| search NOT DayofWeek="Wednsday" AND (Hour>=10 Hour<=13)
is this the real condition you want?
Hi @kirrusk,
Hi good for you, see next time.
Ciao and happy splunking.
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated 😉