My weburl sometim is null, i hope if weburl is null then weburl1 fill to weburl. I'm try "eval n=if(isnull(hostname),weburl1)" but fail, how should i do? Thanks.
index=xx | fillnull value=SSL attack| eval bandwidth=rcvdbyte+sentbyte | eval bandwidth(MB) = round(bandwidth/1024/1024,2) | strcat " " date " " time " " as Date |strcat " " hostname url " " as weburl | strcat " " host_name url " " as weburl1 | eval n=if(isnull(hostname),weburl1)|stats sum(bandwidth(MB)) as bandwidth(MB) values(srcip) as srcip values(service) as service values(attack) as app last(Date) as LastDate first(Date) as FirstDate values(weburl) as weburl values(weburl1) as weburl1 values(policyid) as policyid values(n) as n by dstip | table srcip,dstip,app,service,LastDate,FirstDate,weburl,weburl1,bandwidth(MB),policyid,n |sort 10 bandwidth(MB) desc
You can use coalesce()
to use the first value from a list of fields that isn't null:
... | eval weburl = coalesce(weburl, weburl1, weburl2, weburl3, ...) | ...
You can use coalesce()
to use the first value from a list of fields that isn't null:
... | eval weburl = coalesce(weburl, weburl1, weburl2, weburl3, ...) | ...
last modify success, thank guts.
| eval n = coalesce(hostname, host_name) |strcat " " n url " " as weburl3 |...
Hi chengyu,
your eval
is missing the third argument in the if
statement. Try something like this:
eval n=if(isnull(hostname), weburl1, "ThereIsAhostname")
you can use as third argument another field's value or some boolean test like I did.
hope this helps ...
cheers, MuS