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dynamic hostname replacement with real source server IP addsress in log source

New Member

we facing an issue with replacement of the hostname with real ip of the source server in the logs
The logs are sent by Universal Forwarder.
here is the example:
Orig: "Jul 12 17:26:41 spluf3.com sudo:spladmin : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/etc ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/ls -ls"
Target: "Jul 12 17:26:41 sudo:spladmin : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/etc ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/ls -ls"

the hostname "spluf3.com" should be replaced with the real IP address ( of the "spluf3.com".

Lookups is not the best variant - there are too much dynamical systems served by DHCP and lot of systems with IP addresses only (DNS lookups gives nothing).
Flow is as follow: UF -> HF -> Indexer
Transformation will be done at HF.

Here are our configs:

inputs.conf ->
host = spluf3.com


props.conf ->
TRANSFORMS-siem = send_to_qradar

transforms.conf ->

this will find IP address of the server/host

REGEX = server:(\w+)

this should find the hostname in the message source

REGEX = \S+\s\S+\s\S+\s(\S+)
DEST_KEY = _raw

Will it work?
Or do you have any experience with how to replace in the message source hostname $2 with IP address $1?

Thank you in advance for promt answers!

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