Splunk Search

create table/chart like excel pivot


I need to make a chart of nested columns like we can do in excel pivot.

Sample data and required view is given in the screenshot:

alt text

Is it possible to achieve this in SPLUNK? If not, what best can be done in this case? Please advise.

Thank you so much!

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1 Solution

Revered Legend

Try something like this

your base search giving fields Organization Unit Ticket_state Severity Year Count
| eval RowLabel=Organiation."-".Unit."-".Ticket_state."-".Severity | chart sum(count) as count over RowLabel by Year 
| addtotals fieldname="Total" 2* | eval Org=mvindex(split(RowLabel,"-"),0)| appendpipe [| stats sum(*) as * by Org | eval RowLabel=Org."Z"] 
| sort RowLabel | fields - Org

View solution in original post

Revered Legend

Try something like this

your base search giving fields Organization Unit Ticket_state Severity Year Count
| eval RowLabel=Organiation."-".Unit."-".Ticket_state."-".Severity | chart sum(count) as count over RowLabel by Year 
| addtotals fieldname="Total" 2* | eval Org=mvindex(split(RowLabel,"-"),0)| appendpipe [| stats sum(*) as * by Org | eval RowLabel=Org."Z"] 
| sort RowLabel | fields - Org


Thanks a lot, somesoni2! Your solution worked nicely and is giving correct results...

However, for some reason the values under RowLabel are coming in one row and are not grouped. And some values under RowLabel column have 'Z' appended in the end.

Please advise. Thank you!

Not able to upload the screenshot, so pasting values here:

RowLabel 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total
Computer Management-Financial Department-3-Active 1 8 9
Science Management-Physics Department-3-Deferred - Other 1 1
Engineering Management-IT Department-3-Queued 1 1
Chemistry ManagementZ 2 9 11

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Take a look at the appendpipe command. I think it will get you started.

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