Splunk Search

charting customization

Path Finder

In our search the values of transaction duration field comes in Milliseconds those could be like 41,42,50,300,500 and goes upto to 10500,12000

I need to create the chart by allocating bins_array like in excel

0-50 --I want show transactions took only between 0-50 secs
50-100--I want show transactions took only between 50-100 secs
until to all 10,000 ,20,000

Here is search

index="xyz" | chart count by TRANSACTION_DURATION span=500

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

      <searchName>TRANSACTION DURATION</searchName>
      <title>TRANSACTION DURATION</title>
      <option name="charting.axisTitleX.text">DURATION(MS)</option>
      <option name="charting.axisTitleY.text">TRANSACTIONS</option>
      <option name="charting.chart">bar</option>
      <option name="drilldown">none</option>

can some one give suggestions how can i create bar chart to show my results in the span 0-50?

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May I suggest that you re-scale the field, since you are looking for results in seconds?

index="xyz" | 
eval duration = round(TRANSACTION_DURATION/1000,0) | 
chart count by duration span=50

You would also need to update the axisTitleX.text in the XML to DURATION(SEC)

BTW, if you want to show it in MS, then I think your span needs to be 50000 not 500.

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