i plot a graph in the dashboard, the x axis is series from 1 to 2001
i want to replace 1-2001 to 500-3000 (yes, the step is >1 because the array is 2000 steps)
the 500-3000 is only for the presentation in the dashboard if its help.
please see the picture and the code
| streamstats values(_raw) as value
| makemv value
| mvexpand value
| search value<0
| rename _time AS series | fields - _time
| streamstats count AS series
| eval series=printf("%05d",series)
| eval series1=case(
series>=0 AND series<130,"Anomaly",
series>=131 AND series<250,"Cell_3G",
series>=250 AND series<999,"Anomaly",
series>=1000 AND series<1100,"Cell_4G",
series>=1101 AND series<1499,"Anomaly",
series>=1550 AND series<1650,"WIFI",
series>=1651 AND series<2001,"Anomaly")
| xyseries series series1 value| head 2001