Splunk Search

can i edit "Searches and reports" throgh file?


i want edit "Searches and reports" to add some search, but through web ui to add is very slowly,
wheather i can add it through add some file? like "dashboard and views", i can edit it through edit xml file.

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Yes, is the answer basically, searches can be edited/added via the "savedsearches.conf" file located in the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/<yourApp>/local directory (or $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local or $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/users/<userName>/<appName>/local directories)

Remember to back files edited vai the CLI just in case something goes wrong 🙂 (best practice #1 IMHO)




Yes you can.
Dpending on the application you want to create the dashboard in, go to :


Then create or edit a .xml file.

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