Here is what I've done. How to break out the results into individual software correctly in Splunk. Any tips could be helpful. Here is the regex being used for software_name and software_version.
| rex max_match=100 field=pluginText "\n+(?<software_name>[^[].*)\s\s\[version\s\d"
| rex max_match=100 field=pluginText "\s\s\[version\s(?<software_version>[^[]*.)\]"
| stats values(software_name) as software_name values(software_version) as software_version by dest
Here is the text being rex to field value.
The following software are installed on the remote host :
McAfee Agent [version]
Mozilla Firefox 84.0.2 (x64 en-US) [version 84.0.2]
Mozilla Maintenance Service [version 84.0.2]
The following updates are installed :
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 :
KB2151757 [version 1] [installed on 3/23/2020]
KB2467173 [version 1] [installed on 3/23/2020]
KB2565063 [version 1] [installed on 9/10/2020]
KB982573 [version 1] [installed on 3/23/2020]
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 :
KB2151757 [version 1] [installed on 3/23/2020]
KB2467173 [version 1] [installed on 3/23/2020]
KB2565063 [version 1] [installed on 3/23/2020]
KB982573 [version 1] [installed on 3/23/2020]
I want to break out the results to induvial line with the host repeated. But, I don't know where to start. I'd try mvexpan function but, it doesn't break out the correct pair of data.
| makeresults
| eval _raw="<plugin_output>
The following software are installed on the remote host :
McAfee Agent [version]
Mozilla Firefox 84.0.2 (x64 en-US) [version 84.0.2]
Mozilla Maintenance Service [version 84.0.2]
The following updates are installed :
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 :
KB2151757 [version 1] [installed on 3/23/2020]
KB2467173 [version 1] [installed on 3/23/2020]
KB2565063 [version 1] [installed on 9/10/2020]
KB982573 [version 1] [installed on 3/23/2020]
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 :
KB2151757 [version 1] [installed on 3/23/2020]
KB2467173 [version 1] [installed on 3/23/2020]
KB2565063 [version 1] [installed on 3/23/2020]
KB982573 [version 1] [installed on 3/23/2020]
| multikv noheader=t
| where !match(_raw,"^\<.*")
| streamstats count(eval(match(_raw,"The following"))) as session
| rex "(?<software>.* )\[version (?<version>[^\]]+)"
| where !match(_raw,"The following")
| rex "(?<master>.*) :"
| filldown master
| fillnull master value="-"
| stats values(master) as master by software version
index="tenable" sourcetype="tenable:sc:vuln" plugin_id=42760
| multikv noheader=t
| where !match(_raw,"^\<.*")
| streamstats count(eval(match(_raw,"The following"))) as session
| rex "(?<software>.* )\[version (?<version>[^\]]+)"
| where !match(_raw,"The following")
| rex "(?<master>.*) :"
| filldown master
| fillnull master value="-"
| stats values(master) as master by software version
In reviewing your SPL. Look like I didn't provided enough information. I'd get the plugintext has field from a SPL search like so.
index="tenable" sourcetype="tenable:sc:vuln" plugin_id=42760
| rex max_match=100 field=pluginText "\n+(?<software_name>[^[].*)\s\s\[version\s\d"
| rex max_match=100 field=pluginText "\s\s\[version\s(?<software_version>[^[]*.)\]"
| stats values(software_name) as software_name values(software_version) as software_version by dest
I'd gave your SPL try to pipe the results with no luck. My SPL still is still elementary. Additional help would appreciated.