I have a hostname.csv file and contact these attributes.
ip mac hostname
x.x.x.x abc_01
00:00:00 def_02
x.x.x.y 00:00:11 ghi_03
i would like to search in Splunk index=* host=* ip=* mac=*, compare my host equal to my hostname column from a lookup file "hostname.csv", if it matches, then I would like to write ip and mac values to hostname.csv file. the result look like this.
new hostname.csv file.
ip mac hostname
x.x.x.x 00:new:mac abc_01
x.x.y.new 00:00:00 def_02
x.x.x.y 00:00:11 ghi_03
new.ip new:mac jkl_04
thank you for your help!!!
In addtion, I don't want to overwrite the hostnames.csv file.
You have no choice about this. CSV file is just a file. You can append new rows into a file - which your use case does not call for; or you can rewrite the file.
One important thing - you can't add or remove something to/from csv lookup. You can only overwrite it as a whole.
Let me try to understand the requirement. You will only compare hostname then add ip and mac from index, but only if hostname already exists in hostname.csv. Is this correct? lookup is your friend.
index=* host=* ip=* mac=*
| fields host ip mac
| dedup host ip mac
| lookup hostname.csv hostname AS host output hostname AS match
| table host ip mac
| outputlookup hostname.csv
thank you for your help.
ip mac hostname location
x.x.x.x abc_01 NYC
00:00:00 def_02 DC
x.x.x.y 00:00:11 ghi_03 Chicago
jkl_04 LA
i would like to search in Splunk index=* host=* ip=* mac=*, compare my host equal to my hostname column from a lookup file "hostname.csv", if it matches, then I would like to write ip and mac values to hostname.csv file. the result look like this. the based_search doesn't have location. I would like to keep the location column as it.
new hostname.csv file.
ip mac hostname location
x.x.x.x 00:new:mac abc_01 NYC_orig
x.x.y.new 00:00:00 def_02 DC_orig
x.x.x.y 00:00:11 ghi_03 Chicago_orig
new.ip new:mac jkl_04 LA_orig
thank you.
hostname.csv file. the result look like this. the based_search doesn't have location. I would like to keep the location column as it.
Pro tip: It is critical to give full use case and all relevant data when asking a question. The solution is the same, just add location to output. But before I illustrate code, you also need to answer the question whether location info is available in index data. My speculation is not. But that's just speculation. It is very important to describe nuances.
Anyway, suppose location is not in index data, here is the search you can use:
index=* host=* ip=* mac=*
| fields host ip mac
| dedup host ip mac
| lookup hostname.csv hostname AS host output hostname AS match location
| table host ip mac location
| outputlookup hostname.csv
Of course, location will be blank for any host that didn't have location in the old version of hostname.csv.
ip mac hostname location description
1. x.x.x.x abc_01 NYC null mac
2. 00:00:00 def_02 DC null ip
3. x.x.x.y 00:00:11 ghi_03 Chicago no update
4. jkl_04 LA null mac & ip
5. Hostname_not_in_idx Seatle not match
i would like to search in Splunk index=* host=* ip=* mac=*, compare my host equal to my hostname column from a lookup file "hostname.csv".
if it matches, then I would like to append ip and mac values from the index=* to hostname.csv file. if it doesn't match the Hostname and host, it will not alter hostname.csv file. (I don't want to overwrite the hostname.cvs. I want to append only the ip and mac values from the index to the hostname.csv file.)
the result look like this. the based_search doesn't have location field. I would like to keep the location column as it.
new hostname.csv file.
ip mac hostname location description
1. x.x.x.x 00:new:mac abc_01 NYC_orig append mac
2. x.x.y.new 00:00:00 def_02 DC_orig append ip
3. x.x.x.y 00:00:11 ghi_03 Chicago_orig no update
4. new.ip new:mac jkl_04 LA_orig append ip & mac
5. Hostname_not_in_idx Seatle no update
thank you for your help
So, you are indirectly confirming that location information does not exist in index data. Have you tried the search I gave above?
yes, that is correct. I don't want to alter the location and hostname columns. I just want to append the IP and MAC columns if it matches the hostname and host. In addtion, I don't want to overwrite the hostnames.csv file.
thank you
In addtion, I don't want to overwrite the hostnames.csv file.
You have no choice about this. CSV file is just a file. You can append new rows into a file - which your use case does not call for; or you can rewrite the file.