I need to show id1,id2 on timechart
have table with these columns:
index="myindex" | table duration servername id1 id2
duration Time servername id1 id2
2.643000 2021-22-11 18:30:45 Server1 111 32
2.009000 2021-22-11 18:30:45 Server2 321 72
need to create timechart that show durations by servernames and additional column data id1, id2
Any idea?
This is not possible with the standard timechart because you have too many dimensions, time, servername, duration, id1 and id2. You can do it with 3 dimensions e.g. time, servername and one of duration, id1, id2
| xyseries Time servername duration
This is not possible with the standard timechart because you have too many dimensions, time, servername, duration, id1 and id2. You can do it with 3 dimensions e.g. time, servername and one of duration, id1, id2
| xyseries Time servername duration