Hi all, I have a xml file as below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<suite name="abc" timestamp="20.08.2021 15:47:20" hostname="kkt2si" tests="5" failures="1" errors="1" time="0">
<case name="a" time="626" classname="x">
<failure message="failed" /> </case>
<case name="b" time="427" classname="x" />
<case name="C" time="616" classname="y" />
<case name="d" time="626" classname="y">
<error message="error" /> </case>
<case name="e" time="621" classname="x" /> </suite>
The cases which doesnt have failure or errors are the ones which are passed. I am able to make a list of cases but i am confused how to add a column of the status. Anyone know the solution for this?
|spath output=cases path=suite.case{@name}| table cases
This is how i extracted the cases. I want to add a column which shows the status. Please suggest some answers.