Using this SPL:
index=main sourcetype=conn_activeifc d_name="JimSimpkins-Surface3" | transaction mvlist=t maxevents=2 d_id | eval one=mvindex(ifc,0) | eval two=mvindex(ifc,1) | table _time one two ifc | sort - _time
the mv field ifc is ALWAYS in alphabetical order. I need it _time order. What am I doing wrong??
From the documentation:
Syntax: mvlist= true | false |
Description: Flag that controls whether the multivalued fields of the transaction are (mvlist=t) a list of the original events ordered in arrival order or (mvlist=f) a set of unique field values ordered alphabetically. If a comma or/space delimited list of fields is provided, only those fields are rendered as lists.
Default: false
Hi, I needed do get the last "etapa" from some transactions indexed by "pedido", so I did a "streamstats count", prefix "etapa" with "count". This way I could bypass alphabetic ordination.
After it, I remove the prefix "1|", "2|", "3|" ... it using a temp variable named "etapa2" and regex.
This workaround solve it for me:
| streamstats count
| eval count=substr("0000000".tostring(count), -5)
| eval etapa=count."|".etapa
| transaction pedido startswith="*status\=\"iniciado\"" mvlist=pedido
| rex field=etapa "^\d+\|(?<etapa2>.*)$"
| eval etapa=etapa2
| eval l_etapa = mvindex(etapa,0)
| ....
I hope this can help you.
Edited: I add this line to fix errors on alphabetic ordination. Ex: "10 < 2". Now we got "10 > 02"
| eval count=substr("0000000".tostring(count), -5)
Same problem here, it seems there is no solution since 2009?
Actually, I need "a set of unique field values ordered in arrival order" - something not foreseen by transaction?
Syntax: mvlist= true | false | <field-list>
so change your search to this and see:
index=main sourcetype=conn_activeifc d_name="JimSimpkins-Surface3" | transaction maxevents=2 mvlist=t d_id | eval one=mvindex(ifc,0) | eval two=mvindex(ifc,1) | table _time one two ifc | sort - _time
This changed nothing... ifc value still in alphabetical order...