I am using the R Project with splunk.
My query goes something like
index= abcd host= pqrs NOT host=aacd NOT host = ppwqrs | fields DUR, TYPE | timechart limit=0 span=10m count, avg(DUR) by TYPE | r " data= input
avg.calls.day <- function(calls){
total.calls <- sum(calls)
out <- total.calls/ndays
output = avg.calls.day"
But it keeps throwing me this error
command="r", cannot coerce class ""function"" to a data.frame.
Why am i getting this error and how do I resolve it?
I don't see where you are applying the function to your input.
I would say, define your function and then
output = avg.calls.day(input)
I don't see where you are applying the function to your input.
I would say, define your function and then
output = avg.calls.day(input)
I am probably missing something but I still don't see where you are using "input". The variable "input" is what r brings in from the Splunk search before the r script. and then "output" is what is returned back to the search.
I made a very simple example that works:
I just saw your longer example and I'll look at it.
Are you able to run any other r-scripts through the command?
Hi @muebel , the r -script until this line is running just fine.
Trying doing your average without going through a function and see how it goes.
Hi @DavidHourani, it works if i don't use it as a function. but i really need it to be a function as I use it in all the other calculations.
I have to admit that I don't know much R, but with this StackOverflow post it seems like this error is something to do with how you're returning a function as a value?
Thanks @acharlieh. While my r code is running just fine in R studio, I am facing issues when I am running it in Splunk with the R Project. My goal is automation,- to run my Rscript in Splunk using the R Project.