I was working with DataModels and I came across something strange about them when they are accelerated vs when they are not.
I created 2 DataModels, TestAccelerated and TestNotAccelerated.
They are a copy of each other with a few differences. The name/id, and one is accelerated and the other is not.
When I run a query to get the count of "MyValue" inside of field "MyID", I get different results.
The Accelerated Data Model returns less records, with different grouping of _time than the Non-Accelerated DataModel.
I'm curious if anyone knows what the seach difference really is for both accelerated and non accelerated data models.
The count ends up being the same, so no issue finding out the count of "MyValue".
I see an issue if we are piping the output into a different command that uses the rows for information and not the count in each row, such as `| geostats`.
Query to a non-accelerated data model:
Query to an accelerated data model:
Hi @qs_chuy .. good catch. let me check this and revert back.
my mindvoice to me... some more "detailed understanding" required between - the tstats, datamodels, accelerated, non-accelerated, thx