I have the following drilldown in my dashboard panel:
<link target="_blank"><![CDATA[search?q=index=mlbso sourcetype=$SYSID$_hanatraces earliest=$earliesttime$ latest=$latesttime$ [search index=mlbso sourcetype=$SYSID$_hanatraces "ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION" earliest=$earliesttime$ latest=$latesttime$ | rex field=_raw "(?i)(?<=configuration is changed by )(?P<CONNECTION_ID>(?s)(.*))(?=, client ip)" | return $CONNECTION_ID]]]></link>
When I execute it, I get the following search string presented and an "Unbalanced quotes" error:
index=mlbso sourcetype=BWP_hanatraces earliest=1543313122.531 latest=1543313122.537 [search index=mlbso sourcetype=BWP_hanatraces "ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION" earliest=1543313122.531 latest=1543313122.537 | rex field=_raw "(
How would I overcome this issue?
Kind Regards,
Hi, seems like the question mark is messing things up, replace all the question marks with %3F:
<link target="_blank"> <![CDATA[search?q=index=mlbso sourcetype=$SYSID$_hanatraces earliest=$earliesttime$ latest=$latesttime$ [search index=mlbso sourcetype=$SYSID$_hanatraces "ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION" earliest=$earliesttime$ latest=$latesttime$ | rex field=_raw "(%3Fi)(%3F<=configuration is changed by )(%3FP<CONNECTION_ID>(%3Fs)(.*))(%3F=, client ip)" | return $CONNECTION_ID]]]></link>
Hi, seems like the question mark is messing things up, replace all the question marks with %3F:
<link target="_blank"> <![CDATA[search?q=index=mlbso sourcetype=$SYSID$_hanatraces earliest=$earliesttime$ latest=$latesttime$ [search index=mlbso sourcetype=$SYSID$_hanatraces "ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION" earliest=$earliesttime$ latest=$latesttime$ | rex field=_raw "(%3Fi)(%3F<=configuration is changed by )(%3FP<CONNECTION_ID>(%3Fs)(.*))(%3F=, client ip)" | return $CONNECTION_ID]]]></link>
Thank you, it works.