Splunk Search

Why do real time searches create many rt_scheduler_* directories, how can I control them


I have set up a single real time alert that creates about 1000 rt_scheduler__ entries in /var/run/splunk/dispatch/. Is there a possibility control the amount of directories that are created (is this related to the ttl of the search)?
Otherwise I will have to increase the dispatch_dir_warning_size in limits.conf which is not really a solution if I configure additional alerts.

action.email = 1
action.email.inline = 1
action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0
action.email.sendresults = 1
action.email.to = me@me.com
alert.digest_mode = False
alert.expires = 6h
alert.suppress = 1
alert.suppress.fields = host
alert.suppress.period = 30m
alert.track = 0
cron_schedule = * * * * *
dispatch.earliest_time = rt-1m
dispatch.latest_time = rt
displayview = flashtimeline
enableSched = 1
quantity = 0
relation = greater than
request.ui_dispatch_view = flashtimeline
search = sourcetype="proxy"   | stats sum(req) as req sum(req_4xx) as req_4xx sum(req_5xx) as req_5xx by host | eval error_rate=if(req==0,0,round((req_4xx+req_5xx)/req,3)) | where error_rate>0,5 
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1 Solution


I had to set the alert condition of the alerts to something different that "always". This prevents splunk from creating a directory every time the alert is run/triggered which is a lot for rt alerts.

View solution in original post

0 Karma


I had to set the alert condition of the alerts to something different that "always". This prevents splunk from creating a directory every time the alert is run/triggered which is a lot for rt alerts.

0 Karma


Hi Chris,You dnt have option other than to manually delete the data from your dispatch directory if your alert creates 1000 entries . This is taken care by default from Splunk only.

0 Karma


Thank you for taking time to reply, manually deleting the directories does not solve the problem

0 Karma


Hi Chris,

You dnt have option other than to manually delete the data from your dispatch directory if your alert creates 1000 entries . This is taken care by default from Splunk only.

0 Karma
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