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Why are there missing fields with Splunk Java/C# SDK?

Loves-to-Learn Lots

Hi Team,

Because the data storage time of Splunk is limited, we have a scheduled task to export data from Splunk to AWS S3 through Splunk SDK.

SDK output mode: JSON




search index=dput | fields - _raw date_* _cd _kv _bkt _si splunk_server punct timeendpos exectime index lang | table *



But recently I encountered a problem. When I batch query data within 10 minutes (about 400000 logs), I found that some logs will lose some fields, such as:

raw data: 



"2022-03-01T20:47:04.435Z [XNIO-1 task-16] INFO  c.m.assertservice.service.impl.NotebookServiceImpl env=\"PROD\" hostname=\"\" client_ip=\"\" service_name=\"assetservice\" service_version=\"release-1.12.0\" request_id=\"98ad59ad-e973-4258-b559-a5c82476f14d\" event_type=\"read\" event_status=\"success\" event_severity=\"low\" notebook_topics=\"[Manager Research]\" object_type=\"Notebook\" object_id=\"6bcb4ad5-596c-4738-90b9-4bdff9515f12\" component=\"\" event_id=\"98ad59ad-e973-4258-b559-a5c82476f14d\" application=\"\" user_id=\"\" notebook_title=\"Portfolio Manager Performance History\" action=\"GET\" details=\"Get a notebook,title:Portfolio Manager Performance History, type:[LIBRARY]\" eventtype=\"usage\" timestamp=\"2022-03-01T20:47:04.435348Z\" application_area=\"NONE\" event_description=\"Get Notebook By Id UsageTracking\""



 search result:



    "_indextime": "1646167627",
    "_sourcetype": "dput_usage",
    "_subsecond": ".435",
    "_time": "2022-03-01T14:47:04.435-06:00",
    "action": "GET",
    "application": "",
    "application_area": "NONE",
    "component": "",
    "details": "Get a notebook,title:Portfolio Manager Performance History, type:[LIBRARY]",
    "env": "PROD",
    "event_id": "98ad59ad-e973-4258-b559-a5c82476f14d",
    "event_length": "899",
    "event_status": "success",
    "eventtype": "usage",
    "extracted_sourcetype": "dput_usage",
    "host": "",
    "hostname": "",
    "linecount": "1",
    "object_id": "6bcb4ad5-596c-4738-90b9-4bdff9515f12",
    "object_type": "Notebook",
    "source": "",
    "sourcetype": "dput_usage",
    "timestamp": "2022-03-01T20:47:04.435348Z",
    "timestartpos": "0",
    "user_id": ""



You can see that the fields owned by raw data such as notebook_title, notebook_topics do not appear in the search result.  (I also seem to have this problem exporting JSON on the Web UI.)

This happens when I query a lot of data at the same time. But when I go to query this log alone and return it through the SDK, this problem does not occur, it returns all the results:



    "_indextime": "1646167627",
    "_sourcetype": "dput_usage",
    "_subsecond": ".435",
    "_time": "2022-03-01T14:47:04.435-06:00",
    "action": "GET",
    "application": "",
    "application_area": "NONE",
    "client_ip": "",
    "component": "",
    "details": "Get a notebook,title:Portfolio Manager Performance History, type:[LIBRARY]",
    "env": "PROD",
    "event_description": "Get Notebook By Id UsageTracking",
    "event_id": "98ad59ad-e973-4258-b559-a5c82476f14d",
    "event_length": "899",
    "event_severity": "low",
    "event_status": "success",
    "event_type": "read",
    "eventtype": "usage",
    "extracted_sourcetype": "dput_usage",
    "host": "",
    "hostname": "",
    "linecount": "1",
    "notebook_title": "Portfolio Manager Performance History",
    "notebook_topics": "[Manager Research]",
    "object_id": "6bcb4ad5-596c-4738-90b9-4bdff9515f12",
    "object_type": "Notebook",
    "request_id": "98ad59ad-e973-4258-b559-a5c82476f14d",
    "service_name": "assetservice",
    "service_version": "release-1.12.0",
    "source": "",
    "sourcetype": "dput_usage",
    "timestamp": "2022-03-01T20:47:04.435348Z",
    "timestartpos": "0",
    "user_id": ""



The Java SDK version I am using is 1.8.0 and the C# SDK is 2.2.9

Can anyone answer my doubts? Thanks a lot!

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