I was trying to do a Choropleth map with county I found in this blog article.
It was really helpful and got me through most parts of it. I followed the instructions, but I can't for the life of me get the counties to show up in the visualizations. My search seems to work relatively fine and it shows the geom data, but it just doesn't show up on the map.
I used the us census site to get the KML file, https://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/kml/kml_counties.html
So I just wrote a complete answer and got an error when posting so i dont have the energy to write all that again, so my apologies for the simplistic answer I will write this time, but here is my SPL:
index=index source=source LOCATION=*
| dedup ID
| fields ID, LOCATION
| lookup mergedLocationLookup.csv locationID as LOCATION_FULL_NAME output locationID, officeName, latitude, longitude, state
| search locationID = *
| table ID, LOCATION, locationID, officeName, latitude, longitude, state
| lookup geo_us_states longitude, latitude
| stats count by featureId
| geom geo_us_states
Its all about understanding how Splunk works with .kmz files. make sure your make your .kmz files using this method: article
Then make sure your base search has lat and long (mine didnt thats why I do a lookup to a .csv file that does.
Then I do a lookup to my .kmz file that joins a featureId based on lat and long.
Then aggregate based on featureId.
Then plot using geom, passing the same .kmz file lookup that returned featureId.
I will explain any part in depth upon request. I just am emotionally exhausted from taking the time previously and having the network reject my initial response 🙂
That's it folks!
Hi @hdn6371,
I'm not sure of all the details of your situation, but are you using a KML file? Or did you convert it to a KMZ file?
Also, did you check that the lookup you created as part of using a custom KMZ file is generating a featureId?
If you could post your query, that might also help with troubleshooting.
Finally, if you haven't already had the chance, you might want to double-check the documentation about files, components, and choropleth queries here just to be sure everything is set up:
I have performed step by step this blog: "http://blogs.splunk.com/2015/10/01/use-custom-polygons-in-your-choropleth-maps/" but doesn't work.
These are the steps I've done:
1- Etxract file cb_2014_us_cd114_500k.kml from cb_2014_us_cd114_500k.zip
2- Zip file cb_2014_us_cd114_500k.kml in my_lookup.kmz
3- Upload the KMZ file to the Lookup table files manager page (see blog)
4- Add new Lookup definitions with the correct XPath (see blog)
So, in search i tried this SPL " | inputlookup my_lookup.kmz", this return more then 1000result but i cant see nothing in "statistics" or "visualization"
Where am I wrong?
I am having a similar issue: here is my query
index=main source=source1 LOCATION_FULL_NAME=*
| dedup D
| lookup mergedLocationLookup.csv locationID as LOCATION_FULL_NAME output latitude, longitude, officeName , streetNumber, street, suite , neighborhood, city, zipCode, county, csa, state, region, country
| table INCIDENT_ID, LOCATION_FULL_NAME, latitude, longitude, officeName , streetNumber, street, suite , neighborhood, city, zipCode, county, csa, state, region, country
| stats count BY csa
| geom csa featureIdField="csa"
index=dev "success"
| lookup geo_county longitude as lon, latitude as lat
| stats count by County
| geom geo_county
I followed the guide and added the KML file to a zip and change the extension to a kmz
The problem is this line:
longitude as lon, latitude as lat
just use: longitude, latitude
or use a rename command to change lat and lon to latitude and longitude to avoid the use of "as"
Thanks for the details. Are the "lon" and "lat" fields in your query exactly as they appear in your event data?
I think there might be an issue between the lookup step and the "stats count by County" step in your query. Does the data already have location name fields? If so, you don't need to do the lookup part of the query. You can just aggregate by County, if this is the field name in the events data.
Yes it is and the lon and lat are appearing.
Ok, that's good...
I think there might be an issue between the lookup step and the "stats count by County" step in your query. Does the data already have location name fields? If so, you don't need to do the lookup part of the query. You can just aggregate by County, if this is the field name in the events data.
That's weird because I did that on the splunk goem of us states.
Can you try changing the stats part of your query to
|stats count by featureId
? Let me know if this changes anything in the visualization.
If this doesn't help, it might be useful to see a couple sample events from your data. Could you post a snippet?
I got the visual to work but for some reason it only allowed me to key of of AFFGEOID even when I try to set what feature ID I want to use from the xml. However it seems that the KMZ file I converted to is somehow causing my bundle to blow up . . . which threw my entire cloud for a loop.
I basically had a cease and desist command on the task :(. Sadly I can't keep trying.
Thanks for the update. I'm sorry the custom KMZ file didn't work out. I'll pass along your feedback to our team. Feel free to post again here or contact support if you'd like further guidance later on.
It looks like splunk isn't parsing out my kmz file correctly when i examine the geo definition for my results they where all the same. . . .