When I try the search to create a running total out of the streamstats documentation, it doesn't work. Nothing changes when I add/remove the streamstats
part at the end:
For reference:
... | timechart span=1h sum(value) as total by category | streamstats global=f sum(total) as accu_total
When I try:
| transaction uid mvlist=f keepevicted=t maxpause=5m
| eval didco = if(match(url, "/checkout/order"), 1, 0 )
| timechart span=15m sum(didco) as total by experienceId_1
| streamstats global=f sum(total) as accu_total
I get the same result if I add/remove the streamstats line. I get rows with each time break, and two columns for the two different "experienceId_1" values, but no running total.
UPDATE: When I try running this without doing the 'transaction' it runs ok, so it seems like something about the transaction command is not going good.
After timechart command, there is no field named total (only field available will be _time and one field for each value of category)
Try this instead.
your base search | timechart span=1h sum(value) as total by category | streamstats global=f sum(*) as accu_total_*
your base search | timechart span=1h sum(value) as total by category | addtotals | accum Total | rename Total as accu_total
After timechart command, there is no field named total (only field available will be _time and one field for each value of category)
Try this instead.
your base search | timechart span=1h sum(value) as total by category | streamstats global=f sum(*) as accu_total_*
your base search | timechart span=1h sum(value) as total by category | addtotals | accum Total | rename Total as accu_total
that works, but why doesn't the example from the documentation work? The sum(total) bit that you changed is right out of the documentation page.
How'd i get that wrong?
btw, thanks so much for helping me fix this.
It seems to be documentation's example is incorrect. I've left the comments there for the moderator to see and take action.
thanks. I spent way too long trying to figure out what i was doing wrong between the docs and my search string.