Both list() and values() return distinct values of an MV field. Although list() claims to return the values in the order received, real world use isn't proving that out. It is also (apparently) lexicographically sorted, contrary to the docs. Is there a function that will return all values, dups and all, in the order of the log entries?
index=uexlog sid | transaction SID | stats list(uri) as URIs list(rtt) as RTT by SID
Returns a list of SIDs, each with a list of URIs hit for that session and a list of RTTs. However, because list() dedups, the URIs and RTTs don't match up. And the list of URIs is most definitely in lexicographical order, not the original order of the events as received.
list() does not dedup. Consider this query:
| gentimes start=-1 increment=1h | eval foo=0 | stats list(foo) values(foo)
It yields 24 zeroes for list() and 1 zero for values().
However, by default list() is limited to only yield the first 100 values, see (list_maxsize).
You can test your local limit with this:
| gentimes start=-1 increment=1s | eval foo = starttime % 10000 | stats list(foo) values(foo)
You'll get 50 displayed each, with list having 50 more values and values having 9950 more values using the default limits.conf settings.
list() does not dedup. Consider this query:
| gentimes start=-1 increment=1h | eval foo=0 | stats list(foo) values(foo)
It yields 24 zeroes for list() and 1 zero for values().
However, by default list() is limited to only yield the first 100 values, see (list_maxsize).
You can test your local limit with this:
| gentimes start=-1 increment=1s | eval foo = starttime % 10000 | stats list(foo) values(foo)
You'll get 50 displayed each, with list having 50 more values and values having 9950 more values using the default limits.conf settings.
good answer!
Here's one with multivalue string fields:
| gentimes start=-1 increment=1h | eval f1 = starttime % 7200 . "foo" | eval f2 = starttime % 10800 . "foo" | eval f = f1.",".f2 | fields - f1 f2 | makemv f delim="," | stats list(f) values(f)
Does not dedup for me.
Edit: Indeed, transaction can be a bugger.
Is there a way to get list() finctionality with tstats...In my app we are currently using tstats to read from a Accelerated datamodel, but in one of the situation we need to retrieve multivalued field with sequence of the values intact. Which is possible with list(), But tstats doent support list().
isn't great with ordering... Ideally, you'd open a new question for this to explore the possibilities and alternatives.
Sure I will. Thanks a lot for the response.
Dammit. You're right. The transaction command is the one getting me. Need mvlist=t. Apologies. Thanks for the help.