I need to extract the field clientBizId from splunk events. For my application, log events are not indexed properly (see attachment). If I build a regular expression to extract the value of clientBizId, sometimes it may not work properly because of indexing.
Here I have two options.
1. Correct splunk forwarder or something else to index logs correctly. (I have no idea how to fix it)
2. a right approach to log clientBizId with value, so that it can be easily extracted and works in any case.
I need help on option 2. If I log something like "clientBizId=GMS_USA_company", does it work?
In order to index logs correctly. you need to define props.conf on your indexer /opt/splunk/etc/apps/<app-name>/local/props.conf
TIME_FORMAT = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
category = Custom
disabled = false
pulldown_type = true
Save this configuration and restart indexer.
And in order to extract clientBizId=GMS_USA_company you can go to search head UI settings>fields>field extractions>new
provide name sourcetype name and following regex
Let me know if this helps !
Thanks Mayur for quick response. Regarding first option, we have some challenges to update props.conf file.
So I prefer to try second option.
Yes in order to execute the first option you need to reindex the entire data again.
Try the second option if it works then do acknowledge my answer or if it does not then please let me know.
sure Mayur.