So, the first part of this is really easy.
| stats count by EventCode
This will give me the a list of all the event codes, and the number of times they appear. What I am needing to do, is also report on the total drive space those events, per event code, are taking up. Like this:
|EventCode |count |size on disk|
This is where I am stuck. Anyone have any ideas?
Try this
index=active_dir| fields _raw | eval eventsize=len(_raw)| stats avg(eventsize) as average_size
This gives you average size in bytes.
Try this
index=active_dir| fields _raw | eval eventsize=len(_raw)| stats avg(eventsize) as average_size
This gives you average size in bytes.
Not quite, and I don't think I explained myself clearly. This is what i am needing:
|EventCode|count|size on disk|
I tried to use both stats functions, but couldn't get it to work
| fields _raw,EventCode
| eval eventsize=len(_raw)| stats count by EventCode, sum(eventsize)
How about this?
index=ad_6mths| stats count as EventCodeCount by EventCode| join EventCode [ search index=ad_6mths| eval eventsize=len(_raw) | eval sizeinMB=round(eventsize/1024,2)| stats sum(sizeinMB) as TotalSizeinMB by EventCode]
This gives output in MB.
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