I want to plot a graph for web service response for last 'n' hours. I want the web service actual response time to be on Y axis and each request to be on X axis. I'm capturing the response time for each request. Here is the log -
2015-10-09 09:48:49.433 INFO : [com.mycomany.LoggingAspect:54] 0bc36bc9-dee2-4dc9-9450-ce36db8ffbc7 Method=helloworld, HttpStatusCode=200, ElapsedTime=100
You still need to decide on your aggregator. Average ? Max? Stdev? Count? Let's assume average. Let's also assume n
= 2
index=foo sourcetype=bar earliest=-2h
| chart avg(ElapsedTime) as Average_Elapsed_Time by HttpStatusCode
Maybe you want to checkout the method as well:
index=foo sourcetype=bar earliest=-2h
| chart avg(ElapsedTime) as Average_Elapsed_Time by HttpStatusCode, Method
You might want to also investigate timechart
index=foo sourcetype=bar earliest=-2h
| timechart span=5m avg(ElapsedTime) as Average_Elapsed_Time by HttpStatusCode