I have dashboards with drill down option.
The drill down query contains custom earliest and latest tokens since there was an issue with the time frame.
<link>....|rename "0" as "High" "1" as "Critical" | table _time,"Critical","High"&earliest=$clicked_earliest_date$&latest=$clicked_latest_date$</link>
After drilling down, the time frame is correct (based on the clicked event time value):
** 158 events (9/14/18 12:00:00.000 AM to 9/15/18 12:00:00.000 AM) **
But, when click on the results and choose "view events", the time frame is changed to its old value (which was wrong - 1 ms instead of 2 days).
0 events (9/14/18 12:00:00.000 AM to 9/14/18 12:00:00.001 AM)
How can I fix it?
Which is your splunk version and it will be good if you post your Dashboard XML code (Mask any sensitive data) ?
For me it is working fine in Splunk 7.1.2with below test Dashboard XML
<label>dashboard test 1</label>
<input type="time" token="time_tok" searchWhenChanged="true">
<query>index=_internal | head 10 | stats count by host</query>
<option name="count">10</option>
<option name="drilldown">cell</option>
<link target="_blank">search?q=index=_internal host=$row.host$ bytes=* | table bytes&earliest=$time_tok.earliest$&latest=$time_tok.latest$</link>
Any expert?
Try form.earliest =$clicked_earliest_date$&form.latest=$clicked_latest_date$ in your link tag
hi @Vijeta
Unfortunately it does not work.
After drill down the first time, I clicked on the cell in the table and before clicking on view events, I noticed that in this small picker, the timeframe is wrong and not the same as the search bar.