Splunk Search

Variable storage


I am performing some math functions in splunk.I am doing a search that will calculate the percentage of each data type. What variable can I use to store values without them having to be charted until the end of my search.

For example:

chart avg(db_abc_p) as anr, avg(db_efg) as enr, avg(db_hij) as hnr, avg(db_total) as Total | eval percentANR=(anr/Total)*100 | eval percentENR (enr/Total)*100 | eval percentHNR=hnr/Total)*100

what I end up with is valueS outputed for all seven variables, when all I really want is to display the values for : percentANR, percentENR, percentHNR

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

or... for a simple table display,

... | table percentANR, percentENR, percentHNR

The table command will output the columns in the order you specify.


Use the fields command to limit the display to just those you want to keep:

| fields percentANR, percentENR, percentHNR

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Or ... | fields - unwantedfield to remove specific fields.

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