Just wanted to share with the community the plugin and syntax highlighter I've made for VIM.
To enable syntax highlighting just drop the first file "splunk.vim (syntax)" in ~/.vim/syntax/ folder (create it if non-existing). To enable auto-detection of splunk configuration files drop the second file "splunk.vim (ftdetect)" in ~/.vim/ftdetect/ folder (and again, create it if non-existing).
splunk.vim (syntax)
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" shut case off
syn case ignore
" Everything before an equal sign
syn match splunkLabel "^.\{-}="
" Exception to the previous splunkLabel for search statements
syn match splunkSearchLabel "^\s*search.\{-}=" skipwhite nextgroup=splunkSearchStatement
syn match splunkSearchStatement ".*$" contains=splunkSearchLabel,splunkPipe contained
syn match splunkPipe "|" contained nextgroup=@splunkKeywords skipwhite
" cluster of all search keywords
syn cluster splunkKeywords contains=splunkCorrelation,splunkViewData,splunkManageData,splunkManagesummaryindexes,splunkAddfields,splunkExtractfields,splunkModifyfieldsandfieldvalues,splunkFindanomalies,splunkGeoipandlocation,splunkPredictionandtrending,splunkReports,splunkAlerting,splunkAppend,splunkFilter,splunkFormat,splunkGenerate,splunkGroup,splunkReorder,splunkRead,splunkWrite,splunkSearch,splunkSubsearch
" search keywords by category, taken from the online doc
syn keyword splunkCorrelation append appendcols appendpipe arules associate contingency correlate diff join lookup selfjoin set stats transaction contained
syn keyword splunkViewData audit datamodel dbinspect eventcount metadata typeahead contained
syn keyword splunkManageData crawl delete input contained
syn keyword splunkManagesummaryindexes collect stash overlap sichart sirare Summary sistats sitimechart sitop Summary contained
syn keyword splunkAddfields accum addinfo addtotals delta eval iplocation lookup multikv rangemap relevancy strcat contained
syn keyword splunkExtractfields erex extract kv kvform rex spath xmlkv contained
syn keyword splunkModifyfieldsandfieldvalues convert filldown fillnull makemv nomv reltime rename replace contained
syn keyword splunkFindanomalies analyzefields af anomalies anomalousvalue cluster kmeans outlier rare contained
syn keyword splunkGeoipandlocation iplocation geostats contained
syn keyword splunkPredictionandtrending predict trendline x11 contained
syn keyword splunkReports addtotals bucket bin discretize chart contingency counttable ctable correlate eventcount eventstats gauge makecontinuous outlier rare stats streamstats timechart top trendline untable xyserie contained
syn keyword splunkAlerting sendemail contained
syn keyword splunkAppend append appendcols join selfjoin contained
syn keyword splunkFilter dedup fields mvcombine regex searchtxn table uniq where contained
syn keyword splunkFormat untable xyseries contained
syn keyword splunkGenerate gentimes loadjob mvexpand savedsearch search contained
syn keyword splunkGroup cluster kmeans mvexpand transaction typelearner typer contained
syn keyword splunkReorder head reverse sort tail contained
syn keyword splunkRead inputcsv inputlookup loadjob contained
syn keyword splunkWrite outputcsv outputlookup outputtext sendemail contained
syn keyword splunkSearchStatement map search sendemail localop contained
syn keyword splunkSubsearch append appendcols appendpipe format join return set syn keyword splunkTime gentimes localize reltime contained
syn region splunkHeader start="^\[" end="\]"
syn match splunkComment "^#.*$"
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_splunk_syntax_inits")
if version < 508
let did_splunk_syntax_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink splunkHeader Special
HiLink splunkComment Comment
HiLink splunkLabel Type
HiLink splunkSearchLabel Type
HiLink splunkPipe Special
HiLink splunkCorrelation Statement
HiLink splunkViewData Statement
HiLink splunkManageData Statement
HiLink splunkManagesummaryindexes Statement
HiLink splunkAddfields Statement
HiLink splunkExtractfields Statement
HiLink splunkModifyfieldsandfieldvalues Statement
HiLink splunkFindanomalies Statement
HiLink splunkGeoipandlocation Statement
HiLink splunkPredictionandtrending Statement
HiLink splunkReports Statement
HiLink splunkAlerting Statement
HiLink splunkAppend Statement
HiLink splunkFilter Statement
HiLink splunkFormat Statement
HiLink splunkGenerate Statement
HiLink splunkGroup Statement
HiLink splunkReorder Statement
HiLink splunkRead Statement
HiLink splunkWrite Statement
HiLink splunkSearch Statement
HiLink splunkSubsearch Statement
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "splunk"
" vim:ts=8
splunk.vim (ftdetect)
au BufRead,BufNewFile admon.conf,alert_actions.conf,app.conf,
\ setfiletype splunk
This is very nice work! However, the moderator in me goes - that's not a question. So how can it be answered? This might help:
Summertime, that sweet sultry seductress, calls to me, beckons me, tempts me. As the dandelion wisps float majestically upon the warm breeze, so does my affinity to stay outside. We were not meant for the indoor life. We crave the sun, we crave the rain, we crave the meaning of our short existence. Perhaps then, could we find meaning in the rain, or the sun? Daringly, I ask: that upon the time of which you find yourself within the rain ( more obtusely said then meant ), Stop. Feel the Rain. Feel the drops of heavenly nectar upon our skin. Feel the emotion of the rain. Feel Alive. For when it is only when we Feel Alive, then we know that we are living.
The link is broken: add the missing "k" at the end to make it work.
Yes this is clearly a level above what I'm able to produce. Congrats !
This is very nice work! However, the moderator in me goes - that's not a question. So how can it be answered? This might help:
Summertime, that sweet sultry seductress, calls to me, beckons me, tempts me. As the dandelion wisps float majestically upon the warm breeze, so does my affinity to stay outside. We were not meant for the indoor life. We crave the sun, we crave the rain, we crave the meaning of our short existence. Perhaps then, could we find meaning in the rain, or the sun? Daringly, I ask: that upon the time of which you find yourself within the rain ( more obtusely said then meant ), Stop. Feel the Rain. Feel the drops of heavenly nectar upon our skin. Feel the emotion of the rain. Feel Alive. For when it is only when we Feel Alive, then we know that we are living.
Naw, he's just following the jeopardy model. Incidentally, I had already asked the question here: http://answers.splunk.com/answers/121749/search-syntax-highlighting
I consider it answered over here. Awesome. Thanks!
Yes, I believe that is "best practice" to create a "fake" question and answer it yourself. The only mako I know of is a shark. Happy Vim-ing!
I accept the answer 🙂
Maybe I should have created a fake question like "How can make vim highlight the syntax in splunk config files ?"
I've also made an attempt to highlight mako template files but it's quite difficult because mako instructions are mixed with HTML language. Maybe I'll post the files also when I find them mature enough.
can't wait to see, how your answers will look tomorrow 😉
Nice work! thanks
I started following you now. Upvoted answer below.