Hi All,
Can someone please explain how I use a wildcard character in the middle of a search string? For example, if I want find all gmail addresses that start with the letter 'a', I thought I could search for emailaddress="a*@gmail.com, however this returns all records. I guess I have to use a regex but my knowledge hasn't reached that level yet so I am struggling with this one.
Is not working for me either.
I tried
index=my_index | regex my_field="^my*.value.com"
and it is not finding anything even I
Where it should match
other than the fact that you are missing a closing double quote in your example. That will work fine.
Is that a typo?
Hi AB,
Strange, I just tried you're search query emailaddress="a*@gmail.com" and it worked to filter emails that starts with an a, wildcards should work like you expected.
Alternatively use the regex command to filter you're results, for you're case just append this command to you're search.
| regex emailaddress="^a.*@gmail.com"
This will find all emails that starts with an "a" and ends with "@gmail.com"