Splunk Search

Using subsearch or transaction to correlate events from different sources?


I have a set of events coming from a source that tell me if a user came from a certain page "Source". From this set of events I can retrieve the request ID. From another set, I can retrieve information about a user visiting a certain page "Destination" together with the request ID.
I would like to create a report on the total number users per cluster and visiting "Destination" and the number of users per cluster visiting "Destination" and coming from "Source". How can I achieve that?
Here is the query to get the first set of events:

index=* logtype="SAT" (method="GET" OR method="POST") uri_path="myuri.do" referer="Source" | dedup rc | eval rc=rc+":0" | stats values(rc)

Here is the query to get the second set of events:

index=* logtype="EL" | rex field=rec.msg ".*?STRING: (?<trdate>\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) \w* (?<actiontype>\d*) (?<userid>\w*) (?<cluster>\w*) (?<action>.*?)\]\]>" | search actiontype="Destination" | stats values(rec.reqid) by userid cluster

Thank you very much for your help.

0 Karma


Yes, that's it. That's exactly what I am trying to do.
I think that subsearches might exhaust my buffer. I would prefer avoiding them.


0 Karma


Just to clarify what you're asking for: You want a count of all hits to 'Destination' and a count of all hits to 'Destination' that came from 'Source'. Is that right?

0 Karma


index=* logtype="EL" [search index=* logtype="SAT" (method="GET" OR method="POST") uri_path="myuri.do" referer="Source" | dedup rc | eval rc=rc+":0" | stats count by rc | fields rc | rename rc AS rec.reqid ] | rex field=rec.msg ".*?STRING: (?<trdate>\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) \w* (?<actiontype>\d*) (?<userid>\w*) (?<cluster>\w*) (?<action>.*?)\]\]>" | search actiontype="Destination" | stats values(rec.reqid) by userid cluster

Subsearch for the request ids you need, and then do the main search for the rest of the values.

0 Karma


Try using the Job Inspector and see which portion of the search will not match and why.

0 Karma


I get the message "The specified search will not match any events".

0 Karma
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