I have two sources that have a common field (user) and am currently using transaction to join the user_a with the source_b_field. This query works fine.
index=index_a (sourcetype=source_a OR sourcetype=source_b)
| transaction startswith="string_start" endswith="string_end" maxspan=1s maxevents=2
| where (user_a = user_b)
| stats count by user_a, source_b_field
I figured it would be easy enough to use stats instead to increase execution efficiency but I can't seem to get it quite right. The issue is that I need a left/inner join instead of a full join as I am only looking for users from source_a.
Here is the stats query that essentially just returns data from source_b as source_a is a subset of source_b.
index=index_a (sourcetype=source_a OR sourcetype=source_b)
| user_a=if(sourcetype=="source_b",user_b,user_a)
| stats count by user_a, source_b_field
Is there a way to join user_a with source_b_field via stats? I feel that I am missing something obvious.
I think that this explanation will help you?
r. Ismo
I think that this explanation will help you?
r. Ismo
This is amazing, I have been searching for something like this for awhile. I really appreciate it.
Here is the solution that worked for my use case
index=index_a (sourcetype=source_a OR sourcetype=source_b)
| user_a=if(sourcetype=="source_b",user_b,user_a)
| stats dc(sourcetype) as sourcetypeCount values(source_b_field) by user_a
| where sourcetypeCount = 2