Hi all,
so I built this query
search index=sey_ips src_ip= dest_ip=
| eval time = _time
| sort - time
| streamstats current=f window=1 first(time) AS lastTime by src_ip, dest_ip, signature_id
| eval diff = lastTime-time
| search lastTime=*
| table _time, src_ip, dest_ip, time, lastTime, signature_id, diff
| stats stdev(diff) by src_ip, dest_ip, signature_id
If I define the IPs manually it works great, but I have a lookup file containing quite a lot of src_ip, dest_ip combination and I'd like to run this query with all the defined IPs. How would I do that? I am basically looking for something like a loop.
Thank you
as mentioned in some answers below, I like using subsearches for this sort of thing.
Try like this
search index=sey_ips [| inputlookup yourlookup.csv | table src_ip dest_ip]
| eval time = _time
| sort - time
| streamstats current=f window=1 first(time) AS lastTime by src_ip, dest_ip, signature_id
| eval diff = lastTime-time
| search lastTime=*
| table _time, src_ip, dest_ip, time, lastTime, signature_id, diff
| stats stdev(diff) by src_ip, dest_ip, signature_id
OR (loop method, but try above one first)
| inputlookup yourlookup.csv | table src_ip dest_ip | map maxsearches=1000 search="search index=sey_ips src_ip=$src_ip$ dest_ip=$dest_ip$
| eval time = _time
| sort - time
| streamstats current=f window=1 first(time) AS lastTime by src_ip, dest_ip, signature_id
| eval diff = lastTime-time
| search lastTime=*
| table _time, src_ip, dest_ip, time, lastTime, signature_id, diff
| stats stdev(diff) by src_ip, dest_ip, signature_id"
You can work the loop a bit backwards using subsearches:
search index=sey_ips [|inputlookup ip_lookup.csv| fields src_ip, dst_ip | return 0 src_ip dst_ip]
| eval time = _time
| sort - time
| streamstats current=f window=1 first(time) AS lastTime by src_ip, dest_ip, signature_id
| eval diff = lastTime-time
| search lastTime=*
| table _time, src_ip, dest_ip, time, lastTime, signature_id, diff
| stats stdev(diff) by src_ip, dest_ip, signature_id
Youll end up with a final search like this
search index=sey_ips (src_ip= OR src_ip= OR src_ip= OR (dst_ip= OR dst_ip= OR dst_ip= | ...
To change this so that there is an AND instead of OR between the src_ips and dst_ips... you need to use format instead of return:
search index=sey_ips [|inputlookup ip_lookup.csv| fields src_ip, dst_ip |format "(" "(" "OR" ")" "AND" ")"]
| eval time = _time
| sort - time
| streamstats current=f window=1 first(time) AS lastTime by src_ip, dest_ip, signature_id
| eval diff = lastTime-time
| search lastTime=*
| table _time, src_ip, dest_ip, time, lastTime, signature_id, diff
| stats stdev(diff) by src_ip, dest_ip, signature_id
Use double quotes on the border of IP.