I have the current statement using append:
search_term1 | stats count by ip_address | table ip_address count | append [search search_term1 | dedup ip_address | table ipaddress _raw]
which makes a table rows:
ip_address---------- count ------------ _raw
123.456.1.1 -------- 520 ------------------
123.456.1.1 ----------------------------- raw data
I would like to combine my data into single lines:
ip_address---------- count ------------ _raw
123.456.1.1 -------- 520 -------------- raw data
It seems that I should use the join statement but when I do the raw data refuses to display at all. Please help! Thanks!
I was able to solve this by using selfjoin statement:
search_term1 | stats count by ip_address | rename ip_address as sip_address | rename count as scount | table sip_address,scount | append [ search search_term1 | dedup ip_address | rename ip_address as sip_address | table sip_address,_raw ] | selfjoin sip_address
I've had to do a fair bit more on this stuff since I asked so I may have a shot at helping
If anyone need help with a problem similar to this feel free to comment.
I was able to solve this by using selfjoin statement:
search_term1 | stats count by ip_address | rename ip_address as sip_address | rename count as scount | table sip_address,scount | append [ search search_term1 | dedup ip_address | rename ip_address as sip_address | table sip_address,_raw ] | selfjoin sip_address
Although I would still like to know why it is that count must be renamed.